• Million Dollar

    Social Prospecting Workshop

    Branding Yourself in the Digital Age

  • 21st Century Social Media Strategies

    Use the ULTI Framework to draw qualified clients to yourself.


    The prospecting game has changed.

    The client acquisition strategies of the last decade no
    longer work. Customers have become resistant
    to these traditional methods of roadshows, street
    canvassing and cold calling, and salespeople
    who continue to use them are up against
    difficult odds.

    To remain effective in the 21st
    century, a salesperson must use both offline and online trust-building principles and prospecting

    In Million Dollar Social Prospecting, you will
    learn the timeless principles of trust-building.
    Delving into the latest methods of online social
    media branding and prospecting, you will build
    a reputation that converts cold prospects into
    warm clients.

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  • Course Details

    Schedule: 930 – 1730 (1 Day)


    ♦ Devise a competitive prospecting strategy in the business climate of today.
    ♦ Develop your personal brand to attract qualified prospects and capture their attention.
    ♦ Learn how to leverage social media to get close to your ideal clients.


    Session 1: Building Authority and Reputation in a Information Savvy World


    ♦ Understand the principles of trust-building in a technology driven world.
    ♦ Craft Facebook messages that win the attention of your social media followers without spending a cent.
    ♦ Position yourself as a trusted and respected online authority and uncover a pool of followers who will embrace your expertise


    Session 2: Turning Casual Followers on Social Media into Prospective Clients


    ♦ Discover the art of engaging online followers and have them care about what you do.
    ♦ Formulate personal branding strategies that constantly creates meaningful conversations on social media.
    ♦ Leverage on engagement strategies to turn these casual followers into potential prospects.


    Session 3: Turning Online Fans Into Qualified Offline Meetups


    ♦ Learn about the behaviors of online prospects and how to turn them into qualified client appointments.
    ♦ Understand the follow-up process that turns online fans into offline, paying clients.
    ♦ Request for appointments with ease without appearing pushy.

  • Why Attend This Course

    ♦ Stop wasting time prospecting the wrong crowd and work with qualified clients.
    ♦ Solidify your success by crafting a clear and concise personal brand.
    ♦ By having a strong reputation, you have an unfair advantage over your competitors
    when you approach affluent clients.

    Delivery Methods

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    Classroom Lecture Style
    Practical Online Exercises
    Peer Coaching


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    Participants will do an online assessment and
    trainers provide feedback.

  • Contact us here.

    Want to craft and refine your sales pitch?

    Fill up the form below.